What To Do With My New Cellphone?

Sans iPhone, I'm still trying to figure out the best use of my new Sony Ericsson cellphone.

"Silly. It's obvious," you say, "Phone calls, what else?"

Well, after Chrisina bought me the iPhone (with the money she made from teaching yoga. Have I said what a wonderful wife I have? ), I found myself making fewer and fewer calls, and spending 90% of the time on the iPhone using the cellular network, the camera, and the ipod.

Out of habit I'm still pulling out my new cellphone expecting stuff to do on it besides phoning. I bought a piece of software called Fonelink for my Mac so I could sync up contacts and calendars the way I was able to with ease by just plugging the iPhone into my Powerbook. The software works and does kind of sync up with iTunes and iPhoto, but it's slow-ish and not as easy as iTunes. The speed might be remedied by updating my 3+ year-old Mac.

I've been trying out the 2 megapixel camera which is touted as being better than Apple's. The picture below is a blow-up taken 1) with the Sony Ericsson in Normal Mode, 2) with the Sony Ericsson in High Quality Mode, and 3) with the iPhone:
I'll take my 25 year-old Nikon FE, thank you.

On the spectrum of Instant-gratification/Low-quality to Delayed-gratification/High-quality, I'd say the Sony Ericsson is far on the instant-gratification side. My Nikon FE 35mm far on the high quality side. The iPhone is a happy medium, which made it infinitely usable on an everyday basis. As you can see above, Apple figured out how to capture detail, while Sony fudges smoothness by blurring out details.

I'll be going back to my Nikon for Cat's baby pictures.

After a few days, I'm realizing that my new cellphone is really best suited for making phone calls (what an idea).

But, guess what? I now have 90% of my time back, that I used to devote to surfing the web, taking pictures, and watching videos on the iphone. I could read, spend more time adoring my baby and wife...

Oh, seems I'm using that newly freed-up time to blog. ;)


  1. Thanks to the new cell phone, we can enjoy reading your blogs now.
    Chi Le


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