What is Democracy?

If you need a practical manual for action use this one written by former congressional staffers: The Indivisible Guide

Donald t"Rump" represents the perennial and regressive American traits of self-interest, religious and racial bigotry, and fearful delusional scarcity. The first English settlers in the New World from Jamestown to Plymouth lived horrific lives of deprivation and death. The country was then built on the backs of Africans whose enslavement made possible economic security. This is the karma of America. So, it is no surprise that we are still trying to overcome these legacies.

So there is a bigger picture here. When I search for a silver lining I see my girls and their education. Protesting harmful policies and asking the question "What is Democracy?"--I could not have asked for a more vivid way to teach them their rights and duties as citizens. They represent the future of this American experiment and are already, quite naturally, "good" citizens. We need them to grow up with the values of caring for one another, and realizing that that is more important than a callous life of individual survival and independence.

CT and I had a discussion this morning about "What Is Democracy," and these are her notes:


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